Sit, Stay, Play Photography

Sit, Stay, Play Pet Photography captures the close bonds we share with our furry friends of all shapes and sizes.

Sit, Stay, Play Pet Photography is a unique pet photography business that is all about your pets.

Using a variety of locations you can be sure that those moments you wish you could hold onto forever, can be frozen in time and kept for a lifetime. Shannon bases all photography shoots around your individual pet, which ensures you end up with photos and artwork that reflect your pets personality.

Photo shoots are fun and rewarding for your pets, they not only receive treats for their good behaviour but toys to play with and lots of affection and attention, It is not uncommon for your pets to have a well earned rest after the session, after all it is hard work being a great model.

Sit, Stay, Play Pet Photography works closely with various rescue groups through out Victoria to aid in the re-homing process of pets that are in need of loving homes.

Pet services